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How to Overcome Obesity In Children

How to Overcome Obesity In Children

Tackle child obesity is a struggle. Childhood obesity has become a common thing in America. L ore than nine million children over the age of six are considered obese. Childhood obesity is caused by various factors including environmental, social and genetic. This article will discuss each of the causes of obesity and what can you do as a parent to prevent obesity in your children.

Environment can provide   contribute to obesity in your child. Today many street, city and suburban areas designed somebody does not do a lot of physical activity and walking. Only 1 d ari every 5 in the United States children used to participate in some form of extra-curricular physical activity outside of school.

US economic slowdown and rising gas prices forced the family to me nghemat costs. One of the more cost savings   is in the food sector. They buy good food high in fat and has very little nutritional value. This is usually easy to prepare food (fast food) or do not require preparation at all. The economic slowdown also affected the cost of production. It also affects the American family because they can not afford nutritious food eli memb again. Instead they are turning to canned and processed foods.
Some areas in the United States faced severe budget cuts. These areas are forced to cut programs ngajaran pe physical and sports activities of school. This resulted in fewer opportunities for children to participate in physical activity.

Children free time outside the home that is usually used for physical activity is now replaced by video games, DVDs, and watch more than 100 television channels. With a culture that includes Hannah Montana, and Sesame Street children we are encouraged to watch their favorite television show, instead of meeting friends in a field to play football after school.

How should parents do to face this sort of thing? You can start with a close look at your family budget. Prioritize to buy fruits and vegetables that are healthy and nutritious for your children. Ask yourself these questions. Purposes what you can save? Do you really need 100 channels on your television? Do you need two vehicles? Sit down with your partner and see all your expenses. What should be added to your grocery bill. Including fruits and vegetables in the diet of your children is very important in the prevention of obesity.

Encourage and invite the child - the child to physical activity at home and throughout your environment. Let other families in your neighborhood know that for example, on Fridays after school the children would play baseball in the park. Make sure that every child in the neighborhood were invited to play. Make it a rule in your own home. Tell your child that if they have to spend at least an hour outside riding their bikes, or playing sport or other physical activity they do not b by watching their favorite television show or play their favorite video games.

Always show a good example to your child. Make sure you eat the right foods and exercising regularly. A child who   see his parents sitting on the couch all day will do the same. If you eat junk food / fast food and McDonald then your child will be thinking that it is okay as well. Clean your kitchen and remove all the junk food you Akanan m. If you do not exercise regularly then joined the one in the health and fitness club. It should start d ari your family.


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